1) What's new in Dreamweaver CC? - - - LINK
2) HTML5 is intended to subsume not only HTML 4, but also XHTML 1 and DOM Level 2 HTML.
3) Super helpful! This rollover graphic by Pugly Pixel will help you learn Photoshop shortcuts in a snap: http://bit.ly/17HLmjG.
4) What is Google Code-in 2013? ====> LINK
Google Summer of Code (for university students) and Google Code-in (for 13-17 year old students).
5) Web-based Mobile Apps of the Future Using HTML 5, CSS and JavaScript - - - - LINK
2) HTML5 is intended to subsume not only HTML 4, but also XHTML 1 and DOM Level 2 HTML.
3) Super helpful! This rollover graphic by Pugly Pixel will help you learn Photoshop shortcuts in a snap: http://bit.ly/17HLmjG.
4) What is Google Code-in 2013? ====> LINK
Google Summer of Code (for university students) and Google Code-in (for 13-17 year old students).
5) Web-based Mobile Apps of the Future Using HTML 5, CSS and JavaScript - - - - LINK