Monday, January 15, 2018

HP Prime Calculator

HP Prime Virtual Calculator ....

Plat Lists ....
1) Technology in College Algebra - HP Prime

Collection ...
01) You Tube ... HP PRIME 01 - Introduction and Set up.
02) You Tube ... HP PRIME 02 - Solving an equation, programming and complex numbers.
03) You Tube ... HP PRIME 03 - Variables and Systems of Equations.
04) You Tube ...  HP PRIME 04 - Complex Numbers and Systems of equations.
05) You Tube ...  HP PRIME 05 - Thevenin Equivalents with the PRIME.
06) You Tube ... HP Prime: Advanced input forms and more...
07) You Tube ... HP Prime - Apps as current working environments
08) You Tube ... HP Prime GUI Programming
09) You Tube ... HP PRIME for android
10) You Tube ... CAM #1 - HP Prime Graphing Calculator Arrival and Review
11) You Tube ... HP Prime Solver Function
12) You Tube ...   Systems of Equations - Solving by Matrice - 3 Equations 3 Variables
13) You Tube ...  Systems of Non-Linear Equations - HP Prime
14) You Tube ... Systems of Equations - Solving by Matrices - HP Prime
15) You Tube ... Table Feature - HP Prime
16)  You Tube ... HHC 2013: My Favorite HP Prime Functions with Q&A

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