• Python Introduction & Invironment Setup
1. Introduction to Python
2. Python Environment Setup
3. Features of Python
4. Benefits of Python
5. Career in Python
• Basic of python programming
1. Basic syntex
2. Making a statement
3. Making different types of comments
4. Identation
• Python Keyword, Variable, Keyword, Data Type, Data Casting
1. All key in python
2. How to declare variables in python programming &python variable scope
3. Data type in python
4. Type Casting or Converting one type of data to another
• Operators in Python
1. Arithmetic Operator
2. Comparison Operator
3. Logical Operator
4. Assignment Operator
5. Boolean Operator
6. Membership Operator
7. Identity Operator
8. Bitwise Operator
9. Ternary Operators
10. Operators Precedence & its Associativity
• Python Strings
1. Introduction and declaration of string
2. String Functions and Operations
3. Indexing & accessing items
4. String Formatters and Escape Sequences
5. Slice the string as needed
6. Apply Most Important Built in Function of String
• Python Built-in Data Structures
1. Python Lists Comprehension
(Indexing, Slicing, Negative Indexing in Python)
2. Python Tuples Comprehension
(Indexing, Slicing, Negative Indexing in Python)
3. Dictionaries Comprehension in Python
4. Sets Comprehension in Python
• Python Control Statement and Loops
1. Python If ... else statement
2. If... elif ... else statements
3. Nested if, nested if else and nested elif statement
4. While loop statement
5. For loop statement
6. Break, continue and pass statement
• Functional Programming
1. Functions in Python
2. Function Arguments
3. Built-in Functions
4. Function Recursion
5. Lambda or Anonymous Function
• Python Arrays
1. Introduction of arrays
2. Access the elements of an array
3. The length of arrays
4. Looping Array elements
5. Adding Array elements
6. Removing array elements
7. Arrays methods
• File and Exception Handling
1. Reading and Writing Files
2. Copying Files with Python
3. Renaming Files with Python
4. Zipping Files with Python
5. Errors and Exceptions
6. Exception Handling
• Modules and Packages
1. Modules (Counter, Defaultdict, OrderedDict, namedtuple, Numeric Modules, sys, Generating Random Numbers)
2. Package (pip and PyPI, Modules vs Packages)
• Object-Oriented Programming
1. Introduction of OOP(Object Oriented Programming)
2. Basic concept of OOP
3. Methods in Python(Methods vs Functions, Magic Methods)
4. Classes in Python(Abstract class, Concrete class)
5. Python Objects
6. Inheritance in Python
7. Multiple Inheritance
• Miscellany
1. Working with Date and Time
2. Virtual Environments and Packages
3. The datetime Module implementation
• Command Prompt and Github
1. Fundamental Bash Commands
2. Git Basics
3. GitHub Basics
4. Source Control
• Django Web Framework
1. Introduction of Django
2. About Django
3. Django Components
4. Installing & Configuring Django Components
5. Django Pre-Requisites
6. Downloading & Installing Django
7. Choosing a Database
8. Creating a New Project
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Flash IT Ltd.
Address : 21/B,(3rd Floor),Garden Road,Alam Mansion,West Karwan Bazar 1215,Dhaka-1215
Web : www.flashitltd.com
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